Indie Publishing · 26 July 2024

Questions for Publishers

Tunis Press

Tunis Press

The ‘Publisher Profile’ feature is kicking off once again, there are already a few publishers who were part of this earlier and I’ll be updating and expanding their info first.

Each post will have contact information, some blurb, images, contact details, website, etc. I’ll be using public information for this, but if you want to be part of this you can get ahead of the crowd by answering the following questions:

* When did you start publishing?
* What made you want to start an independent publisher?
* What genres do you specialise in?
* Where are you based?
* Do you have a submission window, if so when?
* What is your submission procedure?
* Who are you (team photo if possible)?
* What was your background in the book industry before this venture?
* Talk about some of your books if possible, upcoming, favourite?
* Some photos, please
* Website/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and any other contact details please

Then send the answers and images to with the subject “Publisher Profile” or you could use this Google Form.

Eventually each publisher on the list will have an expanded entry to make the list more searchable.

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