Art / Photography · 12 February 2024

Art Library

Photography – A Feminist History

Photography – A Feminist History

My personal collection of art books, sitting there on my shelves.

This used to be a little bigger but I decided a while back to concentrate more on later 19th century and onward works, particularly feminist art and photography.

Last updated: 28th March 2024

  • 100 Artists’ Manifestos – Alex Danchev
  • 100 Ideas That Changed Photography – Mary Warner Marian
  • 140 Artists’ Ideas for Planet Earth – Hans Ulrich Obrist, Kostas Stasinopoulos
  • 1001 Photographs You Must See Before You Die – Paul Lowe
  • About Looking – John Berger
  • Abstract Art – Anna Moszynska
  • Aesthetics and its Discontents – Jacques Ranciere
  • Aesthetics and the Sociology of Art – Janet Wolff
  • After Photography – Fred Ritchin
  • American Geography – Matt Black
  • The Americans – Robert Frank
  • Another Country: British Documentary Photography since 1945 – Gerry Badger
  • Art of the Extreme: 1905—1914 – Philip Hook
  • The Art of Feminism – Lucinda Gosling et al
  • Art History: A Critical Introduction to its Methods – Michael Hatt, Charlotte Klonk
  • Art History and its Methods: A Critical Anthology – Eric Fernie
  • Art & Illusion – E.H. Gombrich
  • Art and Its Histories: A Reader – Steve Edwards
  • Art in History – Martin Kemp
  • Art and Photography – David Campany
  • Art in Renaissance Italy – Evelyn Welch
  • Art in Theory: 1648—1815 – Charles Harrison, Paul Wood, Jason Gaiger
  • Art in Theory: 1815—1900 – Charles Harrison, Paul Wood, Jason Geiger
  • Art in Theory: 1900—2000 – Charles Harrison, Paul Wood
  • Art Theory: An Historical Introduction – Robert Williams
  • Art in Theory: The West in the World – Paul Wood, Leon Wainwright, Charles Harrison
  • Art of the Avant-Gardes – Steve Edwards, Paul Wood
  • Art of the Twentieth Century: A Reader – Jason Gaiger, Paul Wood
  • Art Worlds – Howard S. Becker
  • The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron
  • Bachelors – Rosalind Krauss
  • Basics Creative Photography 02: Context and Narrative – Maria Short
  • Basic Critical Theory for Photographers – Ashley la Grange
  • Beg, Steal & Borrow: Artists Against Originality – Robert Shore
  • Bert Hardy – Tom Hopkinson
  • Body: The Photobook – Nathalie Herschdorfer
  • The Book of Symbols – Ami Ronnberg
  • Bookcraft – Heather Weston
  • A Brief History of Curating New Media Art – Sarah Cook et al
  • A Brief History of Protest Art – Aindrea Emelife
  • British Photographers – Cecil Beaton
  • British Surrealism & Other Realities: The Sherwin Collection – mima
  • Calligraphy for the Beginner – Tom Gourdie
  • The Calligraphy Ideas Book – Lyndsey Gribble
  • Camera Lucida – Roland Barthes
  • Celtic Art & Design – Iain Zaczek
  • Central Saint Martins Foundation – Lucy Alexander, Timothy Meara
  • The Challenge of the Avant-Garde – Paul Wood
  • Civilizing Rituals: Inside Public Art Museums – Carol Duncan
  • Collins Complete Artist’s Manual – Collins
  • Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory – Patrick Williams, Laura Chrisman
  • The Complete Book of Drawing – Barrington Barber
  • The Complete Engravings, Etchings & Drypoints of Albrecht Durer – Walter L. Strauss
  • Complete Guide to Black and White Photography – John Hedgecoe
  • The Complete Guide to Calligraphy – Professor Ralph Cleminson
  • Complete Guide to Watercolour Painting – David Bellamy
  • Concepts of Modern Art: From Fauvism to Postmodernism – Nikos Stangos
  • Conceptual Art – Tony Godfrey
  • A Concise History of Modern Painting – Herbert Read
  • Confabulations – John Berger
  • Constructing Wooden Images – Carl Van de Velde et al
  • Contemporary Cultures of Display – Emma Barker
  • The Courage to Create – Rollo May
  • Creation: Art Since the Beginning – John-Paul Stonard
  • Creative Acts for Curious People – Sarah Stein Greenberg
  • The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life – Twyla Tharp
  • Creative Handmade Paper – David Watson
  • Critical Terms for Art History – Robert S. Nelson, Richard Shiff
  • Cuba by Korda – Christopher Loviny
  • The Curator’s Handbook – Adrian George
  • Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice – Christina Z. Anderson
  • Design and Crime (And Other Diatribes) – Hal Foster
  • Difference and Excess in Contemporary Art: The Visibility of Women’s Practice – Gill Perry
  • DO/DESIGN: Why Beauty is the Key to Everything – Alan Moore
  • Documents – Diane Arbus, Max Rosenberg
  • Don’t Get a Job… Make a Job – Gem Barton
  • Douthwaite: Paintings and Drawings 1951—1988 – Third Eye Centre
  • Draw Paint Print Like the Great Artists – Marion Denchars
  • Draw: Conversations Around the Legacy of Drawing – mima
  • The Drawing Ideas Book – Frances Stanfield
  • Drawing Projects: An Exploration of the Language of Drawing – Mick Maslen, Jack Southern
  • The Duchamp Dictionary – Thomas Girst
  • Duchamp Manray Picabia – Jennifer Mundy
  • The Dusseldorf School of Photography – Stefan Gronert
  • The Encyclopedia of Papermaking and Bookbinding – Heidi Reimer-Epp, Mary Reimer
  • English Medieval Tiles – Elizabeth Eames
  • English Stained Glass – Painton Cowen
  • Europeans: Henri Cartier-Bresson – Henri Cartier-Bresson, Jean Clair
  • Everything, All the Time, Everywhere – Stuart Jeffries
  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Curating – Hans Ulrich Obrist
  • The Family of Man
  • Fra Angelico to Leonardo: Italian Renaissance Drawings – Hugo Chapman, Marzia Faietti
  • Framing Feminism: Art and. the Women’s Movement 1970—1985 – Rozsika Parker, Griselda Pollock
  • The Fundamentals of Drawing: A Complete Professional Course for Artists – Barrington Barber
  • Gaudi: Complete Works – Isabel Artigas
  • Gender and Art – Gill Perry
  • The Genius of Photography: How Photography Has Changed Our Lives – Gerry Badger
  • Geometry of Design – Kimberly Elam
  • German Expressionist Woodcuts – Shane Weller
  • Giotto to Durer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery – Jill Dunkerton et al
  • The Global Art Compass: New Directions in 21st-Century Art – Alistair Hicks
  • Gorbals Children: Joseph McKenzie A Study In Photographs – Joseph MkKenzie
  • Great Women Artists – Phaidon
  • Green Waters – Alec Finlay
  • Handmade Prints – Anne Desmet, Jim Anderson
  • Hayao Miyazaki – Jessica Niebel
  • The History of British Art: 600—1600 – Tim Ayers
  • The History of British Art: 1600—1870 – David Bindman
  • The History of British Art: 1870—Now – Chris Stephens
  • A History of Photography: From 1839 to the present – The George Eastman House Collection
  • Homes Fit for Heroes – Bill Brandt
  • How to Make Books – Esther K. Smith
  • How to See the World – Nicholas Mirzoeff
  • How to Write Art History – Anne D’Alleva
  • Illuminations – Walter Benjamin
  • Image Music Text – Roland Barthes
  • In the Balkans – Nikos Economopoulos
  • In the Darkroom – Sarah Kennel
  • Indie Publishing: How to Design and Produce Your Own Book – Ellen Lupton
  • Ink on Paper: poetry and art – Colette Bryce
  • Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Galery Space – Brian O’Doherty
  • Just Draw It! – Sam Piyasena, Beverly Philp
  • Keeping an Eye Open – Julian Barnes
  • Larry Burrows: Compassionate Photographer – Time Life
  • Learn to Paint Watercolours – Alwyn Crawshaw
  • Learning Linocut – Susan Yeates
  • Light: Science & Magic – Fil Hunter
  • Light Matters – Vicki Goldberg
  • Linocut for Artists and Designers – Nick Morley
  • Linocut: Learn in a Weekend – Nick Morley
  • Magnum Magnum – Brigitte Lardinois
  • Make a Zine! – Joe Biel, Bill Brent
  • Making Handmade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures & Forms – Alisa Golden
  • Making Mini Books: Big Ideas for 30+ Little Projects – Kathleen McCafferty
  • Martin Parr – Sandra S. Phillips
  • Masters of the Camera – Gene Thornton
  • Masterworks of Modern Photography 1900&mdash1940 – Sarah Hermanson Meister
  • Medieval Art – Veronica Sekules
  • The Medium is the Massage – Marshall, McLuhan, Quentin Fiore
  • The Meaning of Art – Herbert Read
  • The Methodologies of Art: An Introduction – Laurie Schneider Adams
  • Methods & Theories of Art History – Anne D’Alleva
  • Modern Sculpture – Herbert Read
  • Modern World: The Art of Richard Hamilton – Michael Bracewell
  • Modernism – Richard Weston
  • A Moment in Time: Scottish Contributions to Photography 1840—1920 – John Hannavy
  • Museums After Modernism: Strategies of Engagement – Griselda Pollock, Joyce Zemans
  • Mythologies – Roland Barthes
  • The Nature of Photographs – Stephen Shore
  • The New Art History – A>L> Rees, F. Borzello
  • The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain – Betty Edwards
  • The New Museology – Peter Vergo
  • The New Philistines – Sohrab Ahmari
  • The New Photography – Catharine Reeve, Marilyn Sward
  • North Country Quilts – Dorothy Osler
  • The Northern Renaissance – Jeffrey Chipps Smith
  • Northern Renaissance Art – Susie Nash
  • The Object – Antony Hudek
  • Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology – Rozsika Parker, Griselda Pollock
  • On Art and Life – John Ruskin
  • On Not Being Able to Paint – Joanna Field
  • One Thousand Years of Manga – Brigitte Koyama-Richard
  • The Ongoing Moment – Geoff Dyer
  • On Photography – Susan Sontag
  • Orientalism – Edward W. Said
  • The Origins of Postmodernity – Perry Anderson
  • Oscar Marzaroli: Photography 1959—1968 – Bourne 2010
  • Outsider Art: Spontaneous Alternatives – Colin Rhodes
  • Painters and Public Life in Eighteenth-Century Paris – Thomas E. Crow
  • The Papercraft Ideas Book – Jessica Baldry
  • Photo Art Processes – Nancy Howell-Koehler
  • Photo Idea Index – Jim Krause
  • The Photobook: A History volume I – Martin Parr, Gerry Badger
  • The Photobook: A History volume II – Martin Parr, Gerry Badger
  • Photobox: The Essential Collection 250 Images You Need to See – Roberto Koch
  • The Photograph – Graham Clarke
  • The Photograph as Contemporary Ary – Charlotte Cotton
  • Photographers A—Z – Hans-Michael Koetzle
  • The Photographer’s Eye – Michael Freeman
  • The Photographer’s Eye – John Szarkowski
  • Photographers on Photographers – Henry Carroll
  • The Photographer’s Playbook – Jason Fulford, Gregory Halpern
  • Photography: A Critical Introduction – Liz Wells
  • Photography: Essays & Images – Beaumont Newhall
  • Photography: A Feminist History – Emma Lewis
  • The Photography Book – Phaidon
  • The Photography Ideas Book – Lorna Yabsley
  • The Photography Reader – Liz Wells
  • Photography Rules – Paul Lowe
  • Photography Speaks: 150 Photographers On Their Art – Brooks Johnson
  • Photography: The Whole Story – Juliet Hacking
  • The Polaroid Book – Steve Crist
  • Portfolio #39
  • Portraits: John Berger on Artists – Tom Overton
  • Practical Course in Watercolour Painting: Composition and Interpretation – Jose M. Parramon
  • Practical Course in Watercolors: Techniques & Color – Jose M. Parramon
  • Principles of Art History – Heinrich Wolfflin
  • Print Workshop: Hand-Printing Techniques & Truly Original Projects – Christine Schmidt
  • Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Processes – Beth Grabowski, Bill Fick
  • The Printmaking Handbook – Louise Woods
  • The Printmaking Ideas Book – Frances Stanfield, Lucy McGeown
  • Printmaking: Traditional and Contemporary Techniques – Ann d’Arcy Hughes, Hebe Vernon-Morris
  • Propaganda – Mark Holborn
  • Pulled: A Catalog of Screen Printing – Mike Parry
  • Railway Mania – Bonnie Camplin
  • Read This If You Want to Be Great at Drawing – Selwyn Leamy
  • Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs – Henry Carroll
  • Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs of People – Henry Carroll
  • Realism in 20th Century Painting – Brendan Prendeville
  • Regarding the Pain of Others – Susan Sontag
  • Renaissance Art Reconsidered – Carol M. Richardson
  • Renaissance Women Patrons – Catherine E. King
  • Renew Marxist Art History – Warren Carter et al
  • The Return of the Real – Hal Foster
  • The Revolution of Everyday Life – Raoul Vaneigem
  • Revolution on Paper: Mexican Prints 1910—1960 – Dawn Ades, Alison McClean
  • The Rodchenko Family Workshop – Stepanova
  • Rose Frain Survey – Rose Frain
  • The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics – Berys Gaut, Dominic McIver Lopes
  • See Red Women’s Workshop: Feminist Posters 1974&mdash1990
  • The Seeing Eye: The Life and Work of George Oliver – Cordelia Oliver
  • Shades of Grey: Glasgow 1956—1987 – Oscar Marzaroli, William McIlvanney
  • Shades of Scotland 1956—1988 – Oscar Marzaroli, James Grassie
  • Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art – Simon Baker
  • Shaping the World – Antony Gormley, Martin Gayford
  • Signs & Symbols in Christian Art – George Ferguson
  • The Sketchbook Challenge – Sue Bleiweiss
  • Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators & Creatives – Richard Brereton
  • Society of the Spectacle – Guy Debord
  • Stained Glass Basics – Chris Rich
  • The Story of Art Without Men – Katy Hessel
  • Styles, Schools and Movements – Amy Dempsey
  • The Sublime – Simon Morley
  • Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington – Joanna Moorhead
  • Symbols and Allegories in Art – Matilde Battistini
  • The Tarot of Leonora Carrington – Susan Aberth, Tere Arcq
  • Ten Thousand Years of Pottery – Emmanuel Cooper
  • Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985 – Zoya Kocur, Simon Leung
  • Think Like a Street Photographer – Matt Stuart
  • Thinking About Art – Penny Huntsman
  • Thinking About Exhibitions – Reesa Greenberg et al
  • This Means This This Means That – Sean Hall
  • This Pleasant Land – Rosalind Jana
  • Tools and Materials for Calligraphy – Patricia Lovett
  • Tove Jansson – Exhibition Catalogue
  • Trust the Process: An Artist’s Guide to Letting Go – Shaun McNiff
  • Turner: The Vaughan Bequest – Christopher Baker
  • Understanding a Photograph – John Berger
  • Unravelling Women’s Art – P.L. Henderson
  • A Victim of Anonymity – Neil Macgregor
  • Vision and Difference – Griselda Pollock
  • Walker Evans 55 – Luc Sante
  • Watercolour for the Absolute Beginner – Matthew Palmer
  • Watercolour Challenge: Practical Painting Course – Channel 4 Books
  • The Watercolour Ideas Book – Joanna Goss
  • Ways of Curating – Jans Ulrich Obrist
  • Ways of Seeing – John Berger
  • What is Black Art? – Alice Correia
  • What Is Contemporary Art? – e-flux journal
  • What They Didn’t Teach You in Photo School – Demetrius Fordham
  • Why Are We ‘Artists’? 100 World Art Manifestos – Jessica Lack
  • Why It Does Not Have to Be in Focus – Jackie Higgins
  • Why Photographers Prefer Cloudy Days – Haje Jan Kamps
  • Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That – Susie Hodge
  • Without Day – Alec Finlay
  • The Workshop of Thomas Bewick: A Pictorial Survey – Iain Bain
  • A World History of Photography – Naomi Rosenblum

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