Book Review · 5 March 2020

When Breath Becomes Air

Paul Kalanithi. Vintage. (256p) ISBN: 9781784701994

I do have to admit that I put off reading When Breath Becomes Air for so long as I knew that the subject matter would affect me emotionally and I was in a fragile emotional state when I received this.

Once I started reading it I just couldn’t put it down, though a diary of Paul Kalanithi’s cancer it was so life affirming in the positive way that Paul approached the problems that arose through the disease and various treatments.

Paul writes clearly and lyrically, his recollections are frightening in their clarity of the situations he was facing. This clarity gives a great insight into his emotional and physical well-being throughout.

His hopes, dreams and ambitions are clearly set out for each aspect of his life and the switch between the two, health and disease, is frightening, though his determination in all aspects of his life is inspiring.

There was only one point when I had to put it down and rest from it, this was near the end, it was just still a bit too emotionally raw for me to cope with at that point. I did push on and it was so worth it.

This is a book for everyone to read and pass onto others even though it is a difficult subject matter this is a once in a lifetime book.

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